As a supplier, we pride ourselves on sourcing the best products available in each of our categories. Strength training is such an important category and a major part of any fitness routine, and it continues to rise in popularity across all levels of fitness. One of our vendors, Hammer Strength, has been on the forefront of innovation for over three decades. Known for their premium and U.S. made (a rarity these days) strength products found in elite training facilities throughout the world, they are the standard when it comes to premium strength training equipment. 

Video Credit- Hammer Strength


Used by professional sports teams, colleges, and fitness facilities throughout the world, Hammer Strength is one of the most recognizable and innovative names within the fitness industry.

Racks, benches, plate loaded equipment, accessories, and more, all designed, engineered and certified beyond the highest possible standards. Check out the Hammer Strength catalog here.

They even recently released a line of new HIIT (high intensity interval training) geared cardio equipment including a treadmill, air bike, and sparc trainer.

Learn more about the story behind the creation of this innovative brand (and its founder) here.  

Homeowners can outfit their dream fitness room with premium, gym grade hardware (equipment), and even personalize their racks or benches with frame and upholstery color options.

Hammer Strength HD Athletic Rack
HD Athletic Half Rack- Platinum
Hammer Strength HD Athletic Half Rack
HD Athletic Half Rack – Candy Red
Hammer Strength HD Athletic Squat Rack
HD Athletic Squat Stand
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