Time, Costs, & Health Benefits Of Daily Fitness And More Reasons To Have A Home Fitness Room


If there were one magical thing you could do to improve your sleep, have more energy, increase your metabolism, improve your balance/flexibility, help manage your weight, decrease your stress levels, reduce the risk of disease, look better, etc. etc… It would be daily exercise. There are no secrets, shortcuts, or magic pills, simply your commitment to some kind of daily physical activity, it can be that simple.

Benefits of having a home fitness room over a gym membership

Enter life (kids, work, pets, chores, travel, etc.). If you are like the majority of Americans, your time is at an absolute premium, and it is likely very hard to find an extra hour in the day to workout. But as more and more studies, life examples, and research comes out on the benefits of incorporating daily activity into your life, exercise will hopefully be able to become a priority. What a better time to have a home fitness room, right?

If you attended the Builder show in Las Vegas this past week, you may have noticed the continued rise of wellness trends in design and construction. More than ever, consumers are looking for options in their new homes to improve their wellness, with health and fitness being a major pillar. According to the 2021 edition of NAHB’s “What Home Buyers Really Want” study published by the National Association of Home Builders, 67% of prospects spending over $500k stated that an exercise room is essential to them, and that number will likely continue to rise every year as consumers cocoon more at home.

If you are building a home fitness room (or would like to) for your clients but have been leaving that room for them to design and outfit on their own, we can help. Roombldr was started for this exact reason- to be a resource for Home Builders and help them offer turn-key, fully-furnished, state-of-the-art fitness, wellness, and active recreation rooms to their prospective clients. Reach out to have a chat.

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